Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
The lease agreement on 19 May 2014. Tbilisi, Georgia. On the one hand Mzia Tsertsvadze. Living: Vake district. I. Street 8a. Apartment 21. Place of birth: Tbilisi; Date of birth: --------------- year. Passport number: ------------------- ID number: --------------------- (hereinafter referred to as ` lessor ') and on the other hand , Mr. ------------------------------- citizenship: -------- --------. Passport N .-------------------. date of birth -----------------------. (Hereinafter referred to as the `contractor ') Preamble Whereas the lessor proves that he is the lawful owner of the only living space and garage located at vakesaburtalos district, I. Street 8a. Apartment 21 and legally owns the property. 1. Contract term of this agreement shall be 6 (in words: six) months, shall enter into force on 19 May 2014. 3.1 monthly lease payments amounts to 1300 US dollars equivalent in national currency. Which includes income tax. And $ 200 USD equivalent in national currency. Utilities (electricity, gas. Interneti.dasuptaveba). Payment made by the National Bank set the exchange rate in accordance with the rent, the tenant pays the full two months in advance rent, which can be ascribed to the first and sixth month. Payment will be made in cash or non-cash payment. (I) the lessee's house before moving to the lessor of the apartment to be responsible for any and all liability that includes tools, technical support and telephone / internet, natural gas, electricity, cleaning, water consumption taxes; (ii) the lessor not has the right to require the lessee to compensate for normal wear and usage within the harm caused. (i) the lessee shall pay the utility bills in full: electricity / Cleaning (user phone, Internet, water, heating costs, gas / natural gas tax. 2. the responsibility of the parties responsible for them unfulfilled duties or improper performance of the applicable laws and this agreement shall. 8.2 either party may terminate this agreement if the other party breaches the provisions of this agreement and fails to correct the violation within 30 days of the violation of the party's written request for the following, which do not violated the agreement. Landlord from the contract if the landlord is obliged to return the advance payment of daeghvevis paid last month's rent. And from the employer for breach of contract rent for the tenant loses the smoke. The landlord has the right to increase the amount of rent for the peace agreement vda / vadaze adre mosTxovos Ads dacla da aş 11.6 This Agreement is made in Georgian and English languages. Two copies having equal legal force. The English language and the Georgian text of any discrepancy between this distinction or doubt exists, precedence will be given to the Georgian text. The terms of the contract with the consent of the witness, the parties have signed this Agreement on that date, and
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